Aftercare is extremely important to follow as it gives you incredibly smooth, gorgeous skin but it also preps you nicely for your next wax. So, to get the most out of your waxing appointments;
Either bring or wear loose fitting, clean clothes to your wax appointment. You don't want anything hugging tightly against the freshly waxed skin as this will cause irritation.
In the few days following on from your wax appointment, your pores are open so this means they are more prone to infection. This is what then goes on to cause ingrown hairs, and we all know how pesky those can be! So for the next 24-48 hours after your wax appointment it is best to avoid;
Make-up & fake tan, this will sink into the open pores
Sunbeds & sun exposure, your skin will be very sensitive and therefore burn a lot easier
Exercising, as this causes sweat and friction - get your work out in before!
Tight fitting clothing, instead make sure it's nice and loose so your skin can breathe
Touching your skin where it has been waxed, as tempting as it may be!
Baths & hot tubs as these tend to harbour bacteria
Hot showers, keep the water luke warm otherwise it will prolong the healing process
Saunas & steam rooms, let your skin settle down
Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools
Do not apply deodrants, body sprays, powders, lotions or other products other than those recommended by myself
Following these steps will help with the healing process however it is also best to follow certain aftercare to help prevent ingrown hairs even further. Some people are just prone to them but preventing them will help to maintain them and greatly lessen the amount that develop.
A good routine to maintain is to exfoliate and moisturise too, to help the hairs come back through and to prep you for your next wax. This topic will go into more detail in one future blog post - stay tuned.